Women’s Missionary Union

The Women’s Missionary Union (WMU) of the Convention aims to foster mission awareness and participation of Baptist women by rallying them to pray together for the work of our Baptist churches and the Convention. We encourage all our sisters in Christ to participate in the Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer and to contribute to Baptist work for women in Asia and worldwide.

For inquiries on upcoming WMU events or initiatives, please contact wmu@baptistconvention.org.sg.

Upcoming Events

Next WMU Meeting/EventBaptist Women’s World Day of Prayer 2024
Date/Time9 November 2024, Saturday @ 10.00 am – 1.00 pm
Venue/Platform Shalom Baptist Chapel
Registration(See e-flyer below for details)
Download Publicity (Flyer/PPT)https://tinyurl.com/5bd6xky4

Updates from WMU

News from ABWU

Asia Baptist Women’s Union Helping in a Time of Need

Link to full article: https://www.bwawd.org/ABWU-COVID-response

“ABWU was drawn to the attention of the needs of underprivileged women and children, increase in domestic violence and child abuse, displaced people trapped between Covid-19 and war in conflict zones. ABWU officers came into action and pool resources to launch a “Women help Women” project and started sending out funds to these affected groups as early as 17th April. A new ABWU Covid-19 updates Facebook was created for awareness making full use of social media to announce Women help Women program and to seek support if they are in need.”

Applications started pouring in and ABWU feels blessed, privileged and honored to be able to help the least among us when they are badly in need of help.

Read More…

ABWU ECHOES (Newsletter)

Volume 66
(Aug 2020 – Jan 2021)

Partners & Affiliates of WMU

Asian Baptist Women’s Union (ABWU)

Our vision is to see women in Asia empowered for leadership, to confidently engage in various traditional and creative ministries, to bring the Gospel to the lost.

Website: https://www.asiabwu.org/